Tuesday, July 7, 2009

First Love Ending Like A Train Wreck

Have you ever wondered what's the deal with first loves? If you look up to it in perspectives, in Shoujo Manga, most girls always get their first love in the end (eg. Hana Kimi, Sailor Moon). In Shounen Manga, some did and some did not. In extreme cases, (eg. 5 cm per second, Crying Out Love in the Centre of the Universe, Socrates in Love) either one of them ended up dead, or moving on leaving the other person in the pit of despair.

I've been wondering for quite a while lately, reading romance manga's, feeling depressed for weeks. Usually, I'm too lazy to write anything but I guess this is an exception. Someone told me that 'A man never forget his first love while a woman never forget his last'. And then I remember someone told me that you will never end up with your first love so I thought, 'The guy who came out with the first quote must be a loser for coming up with such lame thing'.

I was never a believer in Love during Secondary School. I remember answering my english's teacher question when she asked me 'What is Love?'. Deadpan, I answered it in front of everyone else with, 'Illusions. Vagaries of perceptions. Temporary construct of the feeble human mind. Only mind such as ours can create something as insipid as Love'. That earned me a death glare from the girls. Most girls thought that first love was romantic. I told them to shove it.

A friend of mine had his experience in first love and he has suffered for 6 years trying to forget her. Is that romantic? I call it tragic. In extension, I saw a guy suffering the same fate and while the girl of his affection ended up happy with some rich kid with good looks. (Sorry bro, if you ever read this. You know who you are.) And there are some in which the guy ended up in the hospital after jumping off the bike while his friends reushed to help him and the girl did not even wink.

But not all first love ended up tragic. Some are so awesomely stupid and entertaining to watch that you ended thinking this is way better than the movies. This one guy, falling in love with his childhood friend and he didn't even notice it. Love is blind work in a way that you won't realize it until someone hit you in the balls. He finally got the guts to say it out loud and they've been happy since then. In this case someone helped him and her out because he is their good friends and confidant to both of them.

And again, Love is blind in a way that when you're in love, you don't give a shit about any other shits and you forgot about them. Like that time when you came back from Australia and you met everyone but not him, that good friend who helped you. Or that time when you watch Transformers and you invited any other people but not him. Or that time when you celebrated your birthday and had bbq and you invited everyone else but not him.

That is the fate of a good friend, sometime best friend or even gay friend after their counterpart are in love. They come to you when there's some shits and they don't remember you when they're happy. And the circle continues.

Is there anyone who are happy with their first love? Some of my Bro's are not. Most of their first love's had the same fate of the pizza you ate two nights ago. I went out this one time and I was walking when these two girls walked through me, and they were glittering when mentioning of oh how lovely their first loves are and of their relationships and I puked. One look at them and I knew, Honey, he only went out with you because you have nice legs and grabbable boobs, the one that you can do the motorboat with. Past experience tells me that either they ultimately break up because she finds out that he's a jerk or the boy went off and never came back leaving that girl after sex. (And by extension, a gift due in nine months)

So, here's the thing. What's the deal with first love's? Or Love in any particular. I told my friend six years ago that Love blooms like a flower. It starts slowly and beautifully that you never realize it until it ultimately blooms. And that's when you choose to either shower it with more love or let it wither away. It's your call. Present year, I told him back that Love is like a friggin time bomb, exploding only god knows when. And now, if he asked me back I'll tell him that Love is always there. Either you feel it or don't, suck it up.

There's another case of first love in which he and she are really close friends. They share almost everything, It's obvious at that point that the guy will do almost anything for the girl.But then, because of a misunderstanding involving the girl's boyfriend, both of them had a big fight. Ultimately, the girl's relationship is repaired but since then, she never talked to him ever.

Interpretation 1; That's when Love turns to hate. Interpretation 2; Girls are willing to sacrifice everything for the one they love. She knew his friend better and yet ultimately, she chose her love over him. They never talk again with each other for years. The next time they meet, it was at the girl's funeral. But, the friend did not feel sadness, or pain. Nor did he mourn for the lost. Only regret that he did not properly say, 'Sorry, Thank you, I Love You'. It's a case in which I called a First Love Ending Like A Train Wreck.

In conclusion, are anyone of you currently in Love? It can be your firsts, it can be your nexts, it can be your lasts. Point is to say and do what we want to do. Who cares if anyone say she's way out of your league! Fuck those that say she's not for you! And fuck these stories in this entry right here! Your Love can end up like a train wreck but fuck that! If you're in Love then come out and say it! One advice, don't scream in the telephone when you're talking to your confidant. It really burst their eardrums you know? Also, Truly, Madly, Deeply is not the best song in the whole world so TURN IT THE FUCK DOWN!!!!

Until then, cheerio.

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