Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Abandonment

his is a sad story of two guyz who got abandoned. Yesterday me and Fatman got ABANDONED, LEFT BEHIND, DUMPED, FORGOTTEN , REJECTED and LEFT OUT by the whole group espicially MR SAF (Thank you, asshole) who was the first one to abandon us. Nobody wanted to hang out with us so instead of the usual feeling DOWN,HURT and SAD we decided to hang out with each other(NOT GAY). Fatman and i have summarized the whole thing and came out with a few lesson that we can learn from the situation:

First lesson: Abandonment never tasted as good as this good before:

We ate a full course at a restaurant called the Punini(not sure).The sweet and sour chicken Pizza (It's Vivo and Panini smartass).

The Drinks we had was the sour apple(mine) and the sensation(Fatman)

The main course was spaghetti with extra cheese(mine) and rice with cheese(Fatman)

And lastly the sweet deserts which are the American cheese cake(mine) & The chocolate devil(Fatman)

2nd lesson: Love is pain.

Well, because we love our friends, we decided to just wait for them while enduring stupid mice jumping out windows. G-force is shit and for that we just wasted 2 hours of our lives + RM 16.

3rd Lesson: Abandonment is Costly
After lunch we went shopping

Fatman Bought a gundam which cost around RM260(free poster hehehe) (It's my birthday, who cares?)

I bought a SNSD CD( free limited poster lucky hehe...)RM75.00 and deuter bag which cost around RM100 .

(SNSD? Please...)

Final lesson: Happiness is everywhere.

Despite everything, we found ourselves having loads of fun and this made us realize that 'we're still alive motherfucker!!!'. And so, yeah. Although the taste of being left in the void often bleed us but there's always that light thingy that somehow get us out of the gutter. We made it out and what await us is Nirvana.

Ah Mok, we now understand your feelings...

Yours truly,

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